I'm sure everyone has heard about the Kellogg's Recall. And that alot of people in the U.S. were getting sick. I was just sitting there on my couch eating a bowl of Apple Jacks, when the news came on. "Everyone, All Kellogg's cereal products are recalled to stanky smell and disgusting taste!". I just sat there and stared at my bowl. No one has DIED from eating the cereal, but just have threw up a bunch. It's like the most important meal of the day.... SPOILED! Well there's always pop tarts.... but it's still SPOILED!
Mmmm! Nothin' like the taste of spoiled cereal! Ya know, Kellogg's deserves it.... they had free SILLYBANDS in every box! I watched a dude marching around Kellogg's Inc. with a sign that said "Sick Cereral" online. Why? Is it really Kellogg's fault? Or did they make the boxes smell weird and cereal taste like seasoned cardboard. I was luckily eating "e3" cereal when "k3" was the recalled one. I was 6 LETTERS AWAY! That's exactly why I'm sticking to Post. Mmmm... I like frosted mini wheats! How about you?
You and your hate for silly bands :)